COMission exists to equip and mobilize college students to live out their God-given potential.
1. We SERVE the campus and each other with our lives, since Jesus gave His life for us. (Mark 10.45)
2. We EQUIP students with the truths of the Gospel, show them what it means to follow Jesus, and invest in them to be leaders. (1 Peter 3.15/ Ephesians 4.12)
3. We SEND leaders that follow Jesus will change the world. (Matthew 28.19-20/ John 20.21)
1. We Serve Students Where They Are At:
We want to come alongside other students and student organizations in making USFSP a better place. (Mark 10.45)2. We Equip Students to do the work of the ministry:
We want to give answers to common objections towards Christianity and we want to share reasons for why we have hope in Jesus. We also believe that students should be equipped to know, and teach others, how the gospel affects every area of life. (1Peter 3.15/ Ephesians 4.12)3. We Send Students Out To Become More Like Jesus:
Discipleship happens best in the context of mission. Jesus gathered his disciples so they could learn from Him and they were sent by him. These Jesus followers made more Jesus followers. This started a movement that has impacted the world forever. College students are the greatest missionaries for the college and after they graduate, we want to help them be missionaries wherever they go. (Matthew 28.19-20/ John 20.21-22)4. We Are Joined With A Local Church:
We are supported and directly connected to the local church. Students serve, are equipped, and are sent out by the local church. Prayer, oversight, and finances are all provided by the local church. Gulf Coast Community Church ( has started, overseen, and supported COMission. Local Church St Pete is also a supporter.(Acts 13-14) (Acts 13-14)For more information about we believe: Gulf Coast Community Church Statement of Beliefs
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